Monday, January 11, 2010

First Post in 2010!

Whoa- did I fall into a time warp somehow? How the heck is it 2 weeks into the new year already?!

As I said before, I have a gooood feeling about this year. And, I like to think im pretty intuitive.

We're already off to a great start.

Tyson and I rang (rung?) in the next decade at home, in bed, asleep by midnight. Well, I was asleep, he was finishing the movie I didn't make it thru. Rawr.

We've had Ty around more than usual lately, which has been heavenly. He had a couple days off work over the holidays, and we made no plans at all and did nothing besides just everyday doings. He spent a lot of time with Dawson, playing with all the new Christmas loot. They boxed, played video games, and built this here robot from card stock cut outs inside a book Dawson got for Christmas.

I have been keeping busy with the kids as usual, and managed to take on a couple new little ones that are starting any day now (YES!). One of the newbies is a teensey tiny 3 month old (awe!), and one is Andy, who I already got to spend a fabulous day with. He is such a snugly little character, and its the next best thing to fill the toddler sized void that his sister left in our home when she moved on to the land of big kid.

When I'm not chasing babies, I'm still running. Literally. I feel like its all I do lately. On Friday I'm off to Phoenix for the PF Chang's Rock and Roll half marathon with the brothers. I'm SURE there will be pics soon to follow... IF I survive to tell about it. I did my longest ever run this weekend, alllll the way to Santa Margarita, 10.7 miles. And then, I collapsed into a puddle and woke up 4 days later. Not really, but the aftermath was NOT pretty. And it was still 2 miles shorter than I need to do in just six days from right this moment. Im pretty on track with the training schedule I've been following, but I'm still a bit apprehensive. Wish me luck!

Aside from that, we've just been chillin! Having the time of our lives playing at every park in town, enjoying the GORGEOUS 70 degree winter weather, and counting our many blessings of 2010.

Speaking of which, you will never guess who is turning four years old in a couple weeks, despite my repeated requests against it....

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